Interesting Benefits of Mango

Mango is a stone fruit believed to have originated in the region between north-western Myanmar, Bangladesh, and north-eastern India. This delicious fruit is cultivated worldwide and varies in size, shape, skin color, and flesh depending on where it is cultivated. 


Mango is also the national fruit in India, Pakistan, and the Philippines. It is eaten around the world whether alone or in combination with various dishes like lassi and salads. Apart from being one of the most delicious fruits, mango contains several nutritional properties that make it a bonus! Here are some of the benefits of this stone fruit.


 Loaded with diverse nutrients

As stated earlier, mango possesses a wide range of nutrients. A cup of fresh mango provides 67% of the daily values for vitamin C (1). It is also a good source of copper and folate, which are essential during pregnancy. These minerals support healthy growth and development.


Improve the skin health

Healthy skin is happy skin. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects and improves skin appearance. Mango is rich in vitamin C, which plays an essential role in protecting skin health both inside and outside. It may also reduce the signs of skin aging and helps cleanse the pores to reveal glowing skin. 


Aside from consuming it, mango can be used as a mask on your body. You can add milk and honey to mashed mango pulp and then apply to the skin for 30 minutes for glowing skin. The presence of vitamin C in mango makes it an excellent source of collagen production.


Support weight loss

A routine exercise is an effective way to shedding extra pounds and maintains a healthy weight. However, regular consumption of fruit can support your weight loss goal due to its fiber contents. Another good fruit to include in your diet is mango. A cup of mango contains 2.6 grams of fiber which helps boost digestion and burns extra calories. Consuming a cup helps you stay full for longer as it is rich in vitamins and essential nutrients. 


Another interesting fact is that the phytochemicals present in the mango skin act as natural fat burners. Therefore, consuming mango in eating moderation can help you lose a few kilos.


Improves eyesight

Mango contains vitamin A and is known to protect the eyes against age-related macular disease. The deficiency of this vitamin can lead to blindness. Therefore, a moderate intake of this fruit can help improve eyesight. In some cases, it also helps prevent night blindness and dry eyes. Additionally, the lutein present in mango helps promote vision health.  


Reduces cancer risk

Recent studies have shown that incorporating mango in one’s diet may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer like breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer and also reduce inflammation in the body (2). Mango contains quercetin, fisetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, gallic acid and methyl gallate. These antioxidants protect the body from several types of cancer.


 A recent study conducted by Texas University found that the polyphenols in mango have anti-carcinogenic properties to help decrease oxidative stress. Mango contains anti-cancer properties which can be attributed to mangiferin.


Makes you happy

Mango is a tropical fruit usually consumed during summers. Consuming mangoes instantly cools the body down, making it a great refreshing fruit. Apart from being one of the best-tasting tropical fruits, did you know that consuming mango makes you happy? This is due to the presence of tryptophan, which converts into the happiness hormone in your body. 


Lowers blood pressure

Minerals such as potassium and magnesium in mango help keep your heart and blood vessels healthy. Magnesium helps relax the muscles, including the ones in your heart. It also helps to decrease your stress levels. Potassium, on the other hand, helps maintain blood pressure.


Increase memory power

Mango contains vitamin B6. It helps promote brain health, and studies also show that deficiency of vitamin B6 could increase the risk of depression and seizures. The glutamic acid in mangoes is said to strengthen memory and enable one to concentrate and focus better. This gives another reason to consume mangoes often!

So, what are you waiting for? Go grab some mangoes to beat the summer heat!


By: Srinithi Muthusaravanan