6 Benefits of Probiotics for the Skin

Probiotics are the “good” microorganisms that reside in the digestive tract of the human body. They help in the proper functioning of your body on a day-to-day basis. Probiotics bring good and bad bacteria into the environment, affecting health, making it an industry worth more than $40 billion. (RDN, A.L., 2019). 

There are different strands of probiotics useful for your health. The most common ones are known as lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. With the rising health concerns and especially more focus on taking care of themselves, people are becoming more aware of their physical appearance than when they did a couple of decades ago. Some try to take good care of their Skin by spending thousands of dollars on regular skincare routines, treatments and sometimes even resort to more surgical alternatives when it comes to their face or hair.  There has been a lifestyle modification, like adapting to healthier eating habits by consuming a diet inclusive of nutrients that benefit the skin; this is where probiotics play a significant role.

The use of probiotics has a huge improvement on a person’s health, and the psychological benefits are endless. However, we’re going to focus on how they benefit the Skin. Some of these benefits are listed below to understand better how they work or how well.

1. Re-hydrates the Skin

Probiotics help retain the water in the Skin, which is usually lost throughout the years resulting in its rehydration. This helps to ensure a perfect barrier is created to keep the skin cells intact and free from damage for a long time.

2. Help with Various Skin Conditions

Probiotics have proven to fix numerous issues related to the skin, including eczema, acne, rosacea, and rashes. These can be used by the topical or oral use of probiotics. But with every new introduction in diet or external use of a certain additional nutrient, it takes time and consistency to see the results.

3. Prevention of Sudden Breakouts

Probiotics help in maintaining clear skin by preventing sudden breakouts. This happens due to the decreasing number of clogged pores on the skin and inflammation, usually caused by an unhealthy diet, including oily foods.

4. Reduce Signs of Ageing 

Incorporating probiotics in your skincare routine or diet can help in a significant reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This is due to the collagen production from the consumption or application of probiotics, which results in smoother and younger-looking skin.

5. Repair Skin and reduces Sensitivity

Consumption and application of probiotics on the Skin can help in its restoration and repair. Reiterating the point made above with the production of collagen. It also helps make the skin less sensitive, resulting in sudden rashes, itching, and breakouts.

6. Improve the Skin Barrier

Topical application or oral use of probiotics reduces the risk of infection. It strengthens the Skin’s barrier system from harmful bacteria, environmental pollution, and oxidation by producing antioxidants and compounds that regulate the skin pH.


Written By: Asma Ishtiyaq