The Impacts of Erectile Dysfunction on Men’s Health and Relationship

Erectile dysfunction is one of the major and significant sexual problems reported to doctors. Studies show that about 52 percents of men experience the severity of erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. While men’s risk of developing ED increases with age, the main group of men who experience this condition is usually between the age of 40 and 70 years. ED often goes away with treatment and lifestyle modifications. There are several factors responsible for ED; common reasons for this condition are;

  1. Hypertension
  2. Hormone issues
  3. Effects of certain medications 
  4. High cholesterol levels.

This article will explore the impacts of erectile dysfunction on men’s mental health and its effects on relationships. 


Having ED can severely impact your psychological well-being; it can affect your relationship negatively. Erectile dysfunction can put you under undue stress; reduce your confidence level that can, in turn, result in problems in your relationship. Therefore, it is vital to see a doctor and get the right treatments or therapy. 


The Effects of Erectile Dysfunction 

May Trigger Stress

Experiencing ED can be stressful. Difficulties maintaining or having an erection when trying to be intimate with your partner can be daunting and lead to further unpleasant actions. The constant anger and frustration you show or possibly your partner can exert pressure on you, leading to physical and mental stress. On the other hand, prolonged stress can lead to other issues such as;

  1. Headaches
  2. Muscle pain 
  3. Chest pain 
  4. Fatigue 
  5. Anxiety
  6. Restlessness
  7. Lack of motivation or focus 
  8. Drug or alcohol abuse

  These outcomes can alter your daily activities. Furthermore, your mental and physical health can be affected if erectile dysfunction is left untreated. 

A poor physical and mental health state also affects your ability to have an erection or maintain one and can result in a repetitive cycle of ED. 


May strain the relationship

If you have an ED, it can become complex in a relationship because it can affect you and your partner. For example, suppose you are unable to have or maintain an erection. In that case, your partner may begin to feel responsible and take the blame for the problem. This can result in several negative feelings towards your relationship, increasing the chance of interpersonal conflict. 

This can further put a strain on relationships. According to some reports, female partners may be concerned that they are no longer attractive or that their partner is having an affair and unable to have an erection because they are getting sex outside the relationship. In addition, as mentioned earlier, ED may trigger high levels of stress, anxiety, and exhaustion. These contribute more to the relationship strain due to increased irritability and aggression. 


May lead to poor self-esteem

The effect of ED on the quality of life is substantial. For example, if you are experiencing ED, you are less likely to engage in sexual intimacy with your partner. In addition, the chances of caring for yourself more are reduced as you may have developed low self-esteem due to ED. These factors and other initially mentioned factors mean that your quality of life is restricted and reduced and can be psychologically painful. The simultaneous anxiety and stress produced by this issue could have long-lasting damages to your body and mind; this is why it is crucial to seek help for ED. While it is not a life-threatening condition, you should talk to a doctor about it or find support where needed. 


Treatments Options

There are several ways to treat ED which is through;

  1. Medicines 
  2. Vacuum pumps
  3. Healthy lifestyle changes
  4. Talk to a therapist. 

However, many people with ED often do not reach out to the support they may need due to social stigma. For example, people believe that ED is only present in older men when it is also present in young people. This mindset contributes to the stigma as it makes it seem uncommon for a young person to have such an issue.


In Conclusion

If you are struggling with the impacts of erectile dysfunction, please know there is support for you. You can visit your local sexual health clinic, mental health service, or GP. Leaving ED untreated can be detrimental, which is why it is essential to get treatment when you spot the early signs of this issue. You can also improve the problem naturally by exercising more often and changing your daily lifestyle choices such as your diet. For example, adding watermelons, blackberries, spinach, or coffee to your diet has been proven to lessen the effects of erectile dysfunction and bring you back closer to your usual self. 


Written by: Kieran Wilson