Cravings Management: Hacks Pregnant Women Should Know

Pregnancy is a lovely and transformational journey full of many physical and emotional changes. Pregnancy cravings are those strong desires for particular foods that appear out of nowhere. This is one of the frequent side effects of pregnancy. While occasionally indulging is permissible, controlling urges is crucial for a healthy pregnancy. This article will discuss 15 methods for controlling cravings that every pregnant woman should be aware of to maintain a healthy diet and general well-being.


15 Ways to Control Pregnancy Cravings


Recognize the Origin of Cravings

Pregnancy cravings can be perplexing and perhaps even overwhelming. Recognizing their cause is the first step in managing them. Hormonal changes, dietary deficits, or emotional issues may bring on cravings. You can more effectively manage your cravings by determining the underlying cause (1, 2). 


Make a Balanced Diet a Priority

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is one of the best strategies to control pregnancy cravings.

Your body requires these critical nutrients for your health and the growth of your child. Constantly strive to eat a variety of foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains,

and dairy products.


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Choose Smaller, More Frequent Meals

Consider consuming fewer, smaller meals more frequently throughout the day rather than three

large ones. This strategy can assist in stabilizing your blood sugar levels, which can lessen the severity of cravings (3).


Prioritize Hydration 

Dehydration can occasionally be mistaken for hunger, which can trigger unneeded food desires.

To maintain optimum hydration throughout the day, be sure to consume enough water. As a general guideline, try to drink at least eight glasses of water each day.


Healthy Snacks for the Rescue

Maintain a stock of wholesome snacks. It can be simpler to avoid harmful temptations when

options like fresh fruit, almonds, yogurt, or carrot sticks are readily available to help satisfy



Intelligent Substitution

If you discover that you have a craving for less healthful foods, such as candy or fast food, think

about making sensible replacements. For instance, instead of indulging your ice cream needs,

choose a modest serving of frozen yogurt or a fruit smoothie with a dash of honey instead.


Prioritize Nutrient-rich Breakfast 

Have a nutrient-rich breakfast to start your day. A well-balanced breakfast can control

blood sugar levels and lessen midday cravings. To start your day off well, include things like

fresh fruit, eggs, and whole-grain cereals.


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Include Protein

During your pregnancy, protein is your buddy. Excellent sources of protein include foods like dairy products, beans, tofu, and lean meats. By including protein in your meals, you can stay satisfied for longer and experience fewer severe cravings.


Stress Management

Cravings can be significantly triggered by stress. Due to the physical and emotional changes they

are going through, pregnant women frequently feel more stressed than usual. To help keep stress levels under control, practice stress-reduction methods like deep breathing, meditation, or prenatal yoga.


Put Sleep First

The desire for unhealthy foods may grow when you don’t get enough sleep. During pregnancy,

give priority to rest and sleep. To support the maintenance of a balanced diet and mental well--

being, aim for 7-9 hours of high-quality sleep each night.


Have a Food Diary

Monitoring your food consumption can help you control cravings. You can easily deal with

your desires by identifying patterns and triggers by keeping a food journal.


Get Support from Your Loved Ones

Tell your partner and your healthcare practitioner about your urges and worries. They can provide guidance, comfort, and inspiration as you navigate pregnancy. Having open lines of communication can help make controlling cravings easier.


Exercise Daily

It is crucial to keep in mind that occasionally giving in to your urges is completely natural.

Modesty is the key. To manage urges without deviating from your healthy eating plan, portion control is crucial.


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Find a Distraction

When a craving strikes, consider diverting your attention to a fun activity that doesn’t include food. Diverting your attention by reading a book, going for a quick walk, or engaging in a creative pastime will help you resist the impulse to eat unhealthy meals.


Plan Ahead

In your quest to control cravings, preparing nutritious meals and snacks in advance might be a game-changer. When wholesome options are close at hand, you Are more likely to choose wisely when cravings arise.



Managing desires is one of the fascinating journeys and many special challenges throughout pregnancy. You can maintain a balanced diet, encourage your baby’s growth, and safeguard your

well-being throughout this unique time by understanding the reasons behind cravings and implementing these hunger management strategies (4). If you have questions regarding your desires or nutritional choices, remember that you should always seek advice from your healthcare physician or a trained dietitian. You may successfully manage your pregnancy cravings while putting your health and that of your unborn child first with some preparation and willpower.


Author: Manvi Taxali (MSc Public Health)

Reviewed by: Selam Temesgen Alemu M. D.