Five Exercises to lose Belly Fat

A flat and even-toned belly is everyone's dream. An even-toned belly is beautiful and achievable, but belly fat can be tough to get rid of sometimes. Most people's jobs require them seating for long hours, which contributes to having belly fat. With a busy lifestyle and schedule, eating a healthy meal and on time seems to be a luxury instead of a routine. Aside from losing belly fat, healthy weight does improve your overall health and prevents non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. Blasting the fat around your belly doesn't have to be tasking or challenging. There are ways you can lose belly fat in your home's comfort and get a good result like that of the gym. You can lose your belly fat within months once you are consistent, exercise right, and eat healthy foods. These are practical exercises you can do at home to burn belly fat.

Mountain Climber

Mountain climber is a household exercise that effectively burns belly fat. Just like the name, you climb an imaginary mountain in the comfort of your home. Mountain climbing exercise targets your core and improves agility.

How to do mountain climber exercise:

  1. Place yourself in a plank position with your shoulders over your hands.
  2. Lift one foot and bend your knee towards your elbow.
  3. Return the foot to the original position while you keep switching your legs like you are running still in the plank position.
  4. For effective results, repeat this exercise five times, at least 30-60 seconds for each repetition.

Russian twist

The Russian twist is an abdominal exercise that targets the core, spine, and hips. It's mostly done with an exercise or fitness ball and involves twisting your trunk from one side to the other in a sit-up position with your feet off the floor.

How to do Russian twist:

  1. Sit on the floor, bend your knees while your feet are together, and kept off the ground.
  2. Hold the fitness ball with your hands and at your chest level. If you don't have a ball, you can hold your hands like you are holding a ball.
  3. Keep your trunk straight and lean backward; hold your trunk at a 45-degree angle.
  4. Your arms should be held together away from your chest.
  5. Twist your trunk from side to side while you pause and squeeze your muscles in between. Each twist to a side is one repetition. Repeat ten times; try to stop between repetitions so you won't lose the effect on your belly. The movement should be from your ribs.

Japanese towel

Japanese towel seems easy, but it has effectively burn belly fat within the shortest period. This exercise that originates from Japan works by strengthening the pelvic spine and makes the waistline smaller.

How to do Japanese towel.

  1. Roll a towel into a cylinder shape. You can wrap it with a band to avoid losing shape during exercise.
  2. Lie down on the floor with your face facing the ceiling. Put the towel behind your back, parallel to your belly button.
  3. spread your feet, about 10cm-20cm apart. Invert your toes, making sure they touch each other.
  4. Stretch your arms above your head while your palms face down, let your little fingers face each other.
  5. Hold that position for 5 minutes or more, and then stand up slowly.