4 Effective tips for Weight Loss

Putting on some extra pounds intentionally or unintentionally may leave you feeling pretty insecure or perhaps health-conscious at some point in your life. People tend to dismiss the importance of a fitness journey or adopt an entirely healthy lifestyle with the daily hustle and bustle.

Therefore, maintaining healthy body weight is fundamental when you want to improve your overall health. It does not only provide you with an attractive slim figure but also helps you successfully deal with non-communicable health concerns, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar.

While losing weight is not an overnight process, committing yourself to a consistent fitness routine with a specified focus on weight loss can help you keep your health in check. Without a doubt, these tips are, therefore, beneficial if you want to follow any effective weight-loss method. 

1. Adhere to a healthy diet plan 

Needless to say, your poor dieting habits possibly lead to unhealthy weight gain and negatively affect your overall body health. Besides unhealthy food cravings, skipping the main meals, specifically breakfast, fast eating, and overeating, may also cause unnecessary weight gain. Therefore, you must practice healthy eating habits that can satiate your hunger and also help you maintain a healthy weight. 

 When following a specific weight loss diet plan, we cannot stress the value of sticking to low-carb/calorie-based diets enough. Such diet plans are meant to give your body a sufficient and required amount of nutrition while promoting good health and weight loss. You can incorporate lean meats, fish, egg, seeds, nuts, low/non-fat dairy products (Greek Yoghurt), soluble fiber (oatmeal, flaxseeds), veggies, and fruits of lower sugar levels such as berries, grapefruit, citric fruits, avocadoes, olives, and watermelon into your low-carb/calorie based diets as weight loss-friendly foods. You may also experiment with different weight loss meal plans according to your preference and health history. 

It is also essential to minimize your added sugars and cut down on carbs as sugar and carbs are definitely one of the causes of an increase in body weight. Make sure to substitute unhealthy sweetened drinks with green tea, smoothie bowls, and fruit juice that contain less to no sugar.

Intermittent Fasting, a periodic dieting pattern that involves eating and fasting windows, is another popular yet effective means of shedding extra pounds off your body. It refrains one from engaging in unhealthy food cravings at random hours and helps with disciplining oneself in their unhealthy eating habits. 

2. Exercise

Among the choices you make to lose extra weight from your body, engaging in some physical activity, undoubtedly, is the most effective and the fastest way to shed extra pounds. Aside from dieting, exercising simultaneously for at least 30 minutes a day can increase the pace of weight loss.

 Besides helping with weight loss, it addresses other health concerns and improves one’s overall health. While cardio exercises and weight lifts make you burn extra calories and fat (especially belly fat) in your body, other simple physical activities such as walking, jogging, running, swimming, and climbing stairs help tremendously with weight loss.

Most significantly, exercises are supposedly beneficial in reducing risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure other than assisting with maintaining weight. 

3. Manage your stress levels

Several research studies show that high levels of stress and depression can directly impact weight gain. Heightened stress levels possibly stimulate stress hormones like cortisol and lead to an increase in your body’s cortisol levels, which also causes a rise in blood sugar. On the other hand, these elevated cortisol levels make you overeat as a coping mechanism and indulge in unhealthy food cravings such as consuming sugary, starchy, and high-calorie meals and snacks. Therefore, it is necessary to cope with any chronic or periodic stress healthily by meditating, engaging in yoga exercises, practicing mindfulness and gratitude. 

4. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle altogether can, no doubt, ensure longevity, prevention of a variety of health concerns, and good physical and mental well-being, including weight loss. Eating healthy, exercising, dealing with stresses ultimately includes a conventionally healthy lifestyle you are encouraged to follow.

Aside from those simple healthy habits, reducing or refraining from the consumption of alcohol, quitting smoking, getting ample amount of sleep (lack of a proper good night’s rest can trigger stress and ‘hunger’ hormones-Ghrelin, leading to overeating), drinking 2-3 liters of water can also contribute to a fast yet effective weight loss. Take control of your fitness journey and overall health, and make your life and body as healthier as possible.

by: Avishka Amarasooriya