General Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is a flowering plant from the Zingiberaceae family. It is related to cardamom and turmeric; it is loaded with antioxidants and compounds beneficial to your health. Ginger root has gained popularity as it is used as a spice and has become a household ingredient in recipes.

This amazing plant has existed for years because of its high medicinal and unique flavor in foods. It is available in different forms such as powder, oil, and juice; Aside from being a spice, ginger extract and essential oil are used in the cosmetic industry to formulate skincare products like cleansers and moisturizers. Although the origin of this miracle root is not certain, its endless benefits are felt around the world.

The benefits of ginger are limitless, and it keeps gaining acceptance; this is why there have been numerous studies and research to establish the efficacy of ginger root and separate myths from facts. Ginger contains a bioactive compound known as gingerol; this compound is responsible for its medicinal properties, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidants effects. Here are some health and skincare benefits of ginger root.

11 Health and Skincare Benefits of Ginger Root

Supports Weight Loss

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and can increase the number of calories burned. According to a study, obese women found that ginger helps lower their body mass index, as high insulin levels are linked with obesity.

Relieves Menstrual Pains

Menstrual pains can sometimes be challenging, especially if this unpleasant experience interferes with your ability to perform your normal and daily activities. Ginger has been found to relieve menstrual cramps when taken as a tea or in powder form (supplement) for the first three days of their period.

Healthy Mouth

Ginger contains antibacterial properties and bioactive compounds called gingerols that help keep your mouth healthy by inhibiting the growth of oral bacteria. Overgrowth of these bacteria in your mouth can result in severe gum infection and other gum diseases.

Relieves Sore Muscles

The anti-inflammatory power of ginger is said to soothe sore muscles. However, the sore doesn’t go away immediately, but the soreness reduces over time. People who exercise and experience muscle aches find ginger to relieve them of sore muscles. Ginger soothing sore muscles are anecdotal, as studies have shown that ginger does not calm sore muscles.

 Lower Blood Sugars

According to a small study carried out in 2015, ginger is said to contain powerful anti-diabetic properties. The research that included 41 persons with type 2 diabetes showed that ginger root greatly improved hemoglobin A1c, a marker for long-term blood sugar levels. However, larger studies are required to confirm that ginger can help lower blood sugar levels.

Relieves Arthritis Symptoms

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger help to reduce swelling or inflammation. These properties help to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Drink ginger tea or apply a ginger compress or oil on the affected area to ease arthritis symptoms.

Protects against Disease

The antioxidants properties in ginger support and boost the immune system. These components prevent damage to the body’s DNA and help the body fight chronic non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, and liver diseases.

Eases Indigestion

Living with severe indigestion? Ginger can be a great relief. Before eating, consuming ginger tea can help your gut digest faster and leave little time for food to sit, resulting in indigestion issues.

Controls Oily Skin

The topical application of ginger oil helps reduce the amount of oiliness on the skin. Ginger works as an astringent that helps regulate sebum production. A few drops of ginger essential oil to plant oil used as moisturizer have been shown to help control natural sebum. You can also infuse dry ginger roots in the carrier oil of choice and use it as a moisturizer.

Clears Acne

Ginger has shown a great impact in controlling and clearing acne. Gingers contain anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, and antioxidants that help to get rid of acne. This root heals, repairs, and fades scars gotten from acne.

Prevents Premature Aging

Ginger contains about 40 antioxidants compounds with super anti-aging benefits. These antioxidants prevent premature aging of your skin by fighting free radicals and promoting collagen production. Also, it promotes blood circulations in your skin which nourish the skin cells and keep them healthy.


Ginger Recipes

  1. Ginger tea: Add two fingers of fresh or dried ginger in a cup of water and leave it to steep for 5-10 minutes. Take a cup before meals and not more than twice a day. Some individuals experience side effects such as eye twitching and dizziness after taking ginger for a long period; stop taking ginger if you feel any of these symptoms. If you are on any medication, especially blood-thinning drugs, speak with your doctor before taking it.
  2. Ginger infused oil: Get a clean and dry glass jar, fill it with properly dried ginger root until it gets to half of the bottle; pour desired carrier oil until it covers the herb. Cover tightly and shake evenly; keep shaking every day and keep for at least three weeks and not more than six weeks. Once it’s time, strain out the oil and use it as a moisturizer.
  3. Smoothie: Blend a finger of ginger root when making smoothies for its benefits, spice the taste, and serve chill.

Written By: Damilola Elewa