Reasons why Drugs and Sex are Dangerous Combinations

Recent studies have shown that more people are dying from synthetic drug overdoses and their side effects in the United States. For instance, reports showed an increase of almost 21% in methamphetamine-related deaths, going from 10,749 in 2017 to 12,987 in 2018[1]. Consequently, it is essential to understand the way these drugs are consumed in the society.


In this sense, chemsex refers to using drugs as part of sexual intercourse to enhance the experience. It is usually called chemsex in Europe and Asia, where the public health attention on this topic is to prevent HIV. On the other hand, it’s called Party ‘n’ Play, or PnP in the United States and Canada, where the primary focus is to fight the use of methamphetamine and the ways to prevent infectious diseases among drug users [2]. Correspondingly, the involvement of drugs during sex is well-spread in many countries and is highly common among gay men and sex workers. These groups have developed a unique culture of sexualized drug use enabled by social media, through groups on WhatsApp and Facebook, or apps designed to meet like-minded people, such as Tinder, Grindr, or Manhunt. Additionally, these encounters or “sexual parties” usually occur in clubs, pubs, residential houses, and saunas, making it easier for users to engage in these practices. 


Why do People use Drugs during Sexual Practices?

Drugs used during sexual practices are called “chems.” They are often combined to change boundaries, delay orgasm, reduce inhibition or pain, increase pleasure and extend sexual encounters for hours or even days. There are varieties of substances used in chemsex such as; cocaine, marihuana, ecstasy, MDMA, speed, crystal methamphetamine, GHB, GBL, ketamine, mephedrone (a synthetic cathinone), alkyl nitrites (poppers), and alcohol [3]. In addition to the aforementioned, men who use drugs during sex sometimes take additional drugs for erectile dysfunction, like Viagra or sildenafil, to counteract the side effects of other chems that may impede their erection.

Chems can be taken in several ways; they can be consumed through inhalation, swallowing, smoking, booty-bumping, and slamming (injection).

  1. Inhalation usually produces a more gradual effect than smoking or injection.
  2.  Smoking produces rapid effects, and it is less intense compared to the injection effects.
  3. Booty-bumping means introducing the substance into the anus and waiting for it to gradually absorb into the bloodstream through the subsurface capillaries in the mucous membrane of the rectum and colon.
  4. Slamming has the most intense effect, and is generally the one that produces addiction quickly to being the most dangerous.

Among the substances mentioned above, some are more used than others and have a significant impact on the user’s health. For example, methamphetamine, mephedrone, poppers, and GHB/GBL will be discussed shortly in this article.

The Effects of some Drugs on User’s Health


It is probably the most common drug used in sexual practices worldwide. It is a highly addictive stimulant, also known as crystal meth, crystal, meth, tina, or crack. In this instance, smoking tends to be the most popular form of consuming meth- although slamming and booty-bumping are also common.

Consuming methamphetamine can raise heart rate and blood pressure which can lead to heart diseases. Likewise, meth can cause long-term mental health problems and brain damage from prolonged use.  


Another common drug used in Europe is mephedrone; it is an addictive stimulant known as meph, drone, or meow-meow. It is usually consumed by inhaling, injecting, or swallowing. Using it can produce discomforts such as anxiety, paranoia, vomiting, and headache. In high- dose cases, mephedrone can cause hallucinations, lack of sleep and appetite, vertigo, and sweating.

It is worth noting that overamps (overdoses) from stimulants such as methamphetamine and mephedrone can cause stroke, overheating, psychosis, paranoia, and insomnia that may last for days.



GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate) and GBL (gamma-butyrolactone) are sedatives or central nervous system depressants. They are commonly called G, gina, geebs, or ecstasy. GHB and GBL are liquids mixed with water or other beverages before consumption. These drugs are dangerous as the limit between the correct dose and an overdose capable of causing a coma is hard to distinguish.

It’s crucial to note that GHB and GBL should never be mixed with alcohol because this can rapidly lead to an overdose, as alcohol is also a central nervous system depressant.


Poppers are colorless liquids with a characteristic and powerful smell inhaled by consumers. They are made up of amyl, isobutyl, or butyl nitrate and could be known as bananas, nitrates, rush, or snappers. Poppers are depressants that increase the libido and relax the sphincters (which makes them attractive during anal sex). Also, they promote erection and produce a state of well-being and lethargy for seconds or minutes [4]. Although poppers may not lead to an overdose, they can cause headaches, change the heart rate (leading to fainting), and affect vision. This happens because some of the drugs contain constituents that damage the retina. Correspondingly, poppers should never be used while under the influence of Viagra or Sildenafil since this can lead to a fall in a faint.

Like any other drug, those consumed during intercourse are capable of causing harm to your physical and mental health. However, most are addictives that may be used anyway. It goes without saying; that it is essential to learn how to use these correctly to avoid overdose, extreme harm, or long-term damage.

 The highest risks of chem sex begin from the state of being drugged during sexual acts; since the user may be involved in unprotected intercourse, sharing needles, rougher sexual practices like fisting, among other acts that may expose wounds and blood transmission, which can ultimately lead to sexually transmitted infections.

Safety Precautions to note before using these Drugs

Here some steps to follow to be a little safer during chemsex or PnP:

  • Be honest if you want to use condoms, and bring some with you. On the contrary, if your preference is unprotected sex, take PREP (Truvada) to prevent HIV.
  • Find out about the place and the people who will attend the sex party. It is safer if you have some trusted people in it.
  • Use a lubricant compatible with the activity you are going to carry out. Some lubricants may damage and rip the condom.
  • Establish limits or ground rules before losing sobriety, and those people who will share your sexual experience must agree with those rules.
  • Do not share needles.
  • Evaluate your health status regularly, especially tests for sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Avoid mixing drugs or alcohol. Or at least be aware of their possible interactions.
  • Do your research about the limits of each substance to avoid an overdose.



From all indications, this is considered highly relevant and a problem that keeps growing year after year. Drugs are bad, and that is something quite well-known. Still, we must be more realistic and accept that since they are so deeply rooted in popular culture particularly, among young people and risk groups. Hence, these issues must be made known.


*Please note that the intention of this article is not to promote drugs during sex. On the contrary, it aims to raise awareness among people who are exposed to it or living with drug users*.


Written by: Jose Moises Sanchez-Amaya