Six Effective Anti-Aging Skincare Routine

Have you ever found yourself brooding over the aging and sagging skin? Don’t worry, we got you covered. Aging is a pressing concern that we have to address at some point in our life on earth. While we cannot reverse the aging process entirely, we can attempt to delay the aging process and maintain youthful, radiant skin. The key to maintain a youthful appearance is indeed investing in an anti-aging and consistent skincare regimen. Rest assured, you can truly enjoy the benefits of the beauty of your youthful, glowing skin. These are some easy yet important skincare tips, and make sure you incorporate them to achieve your desired skin, keeping all the wrinkles at bay. 

Use a Hydrating Cleanser 

The loss of moisture of the skin can leave your skin dry, saggy, and flaky. As the skin gets dehydrated, any wrinkle or fine line of the face becomes even more visible. Therefore, daily cleansing is the first skincare routine, especially for dry and aging skin. Using a cleanser with essential hydrants like Hyaluronic Acid, Amino acid, Ceramides is important. Harsh cleansers can cause dehydration, breakouts, and skin aging. 

Incorporate a Vitamin C Serum 

We cannot stress the benefits of including a Vitamin C serum in your daily skincare routine when you are concerned about skin aging. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is a powerful and effective antioxidant that helps in reducing visible signs of aging. It brightens the skin and prevents it from UV damage or environmental stressors. Add Vitamin C to your skincare routine once or twice a day and see yourself owning the glowing, dewy, and plump skin you wished for. 

Always Moisturize Your Skin

When your skin lacks hydration and moisture, it makes wrinkles and fine lines more prominent. As a result, the aging process of the skin gets faster than it should. Therefore, hydration is the key to fight aging skin at all levels. As the best moisturizer for dry and aging skin gets a moisturizer containing Hyaluronic Acid (HA). Hyaluronic Acid gives dry skin its much-needed moisture, and it will leave your skin plump, supple, and further hydrated. 

Retinoid Is a Must

Make retinoid (Vitamin A derivatives) a part of your anti-aging routine and your skin will thank you later! Retinoid is undoubtedly a holy grail when it comes to addressing any anti-aging concern. It is known to stimulate collagen production, which gets slower with aging. Similar to antioxidants like Vitamin C and E, Retinoid is also effective in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Beyond doubt, it does not only improve the texture, tone, and elasticity of the skin but also makes your skin achieve a radiant and youthful look. Retinoids should be used at night only.

Sunscreen Is a Definite YES! 

Sunscreen is meant to protect the skin from any damage caused by harmful UV rays. 90% of the time, aging occurs due to exposure to the sun, and it leads to premature aging. Therefore, wearing sunscreen is a must as you do not want your skin to get affected and prematurely age to toxic environmental factors. Get your hand on a good SPF (at least SPF 30) and never skip applying it any day, even during winter times. Mineral sunscreen containing zinc oxide or titanium oxide is best advised to use.

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Health and beauty go hand in hand, and nourishing your body and skin internally can have a tremendous impact on how you look outside. Make sure to avoid junk, oily, and sugary food, as sugar is one of the toxic ingredients that can speed up the aging process (glycation). Incorporate lots of fish, greens, vegetables, and fruits into your diet, to easily meet your daily fiber, Omega-3 fatty acids need. 

Drinking at least 2 to 3 liters of water during the day undoubtedly, keeps your body and skin hydrated. Internal hydration can make your skin appear well hydrated and glowing. Cut out the caffeinated drinks and liquor, and start to have liquids that contain less to no sugar, such as green tea, as it can generously provide your skin ample amount of antioxidants. 

Needless to say, smoking can further accelerate the aging process besides its other detrimental factors. Quitting smoking can delay the aging process a hundred more times.

Lastly, make sure to avoid all the external and mental stressors that you encounter daily. Psychological stresses cause and speed up aging, and cause wrinkles and fine lines. Practice yoga, meditation, and gratitude as part of your daily routine, and your inner beauty will then shine outward, making you look ever glowing and radiant. 

By: Avishka Amarasooriya