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Tips to maintain a healthy vagina

Infection is common among most sexually active people, most especially women. Their anatomy (short urethra) makes it easier for bacteria to travel fast, and expose them to infection at regular intervals, or actually become infected. Here are few ways to maintain a healthy vagina.

1. Have one trusted sexual partner. If you don't trust your partner please encourage the use of condoms when going for the business.

2. Before having sex, ensure you urinate, even if you don't feel like it. That way you empty your bladder and clear the path off bacteria. 

3. Practice safe sex. If you must do anal, encourage your man to use condom, and change the condom to a new one when he's about to penetrate either the vagina or anus again.

4. Don't act like a pro that you're not sexually. If a particular sex style is not comfortable for you, please speak out, and stop at once. 

5. After having sex, urinate and rinse off with ordinary water, encourage your man to do the same.

6. Don't ever douche ( splashing liquid substance or water up your vagina. It's harmful.

7. The vagina is self cleansing. Stop aiding it by washing in there with soap, or thrusting your hand deeply to bring out what's not lost, and stop inserting food materials in there.

8. After pooing, please use water instead of tissue to clean up. And wash from your vagina first, down to your anus. Not from anus to vagina.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after using the toilet.

9. Stop wearing tight underwears that bruises your vagina. It causes irritation.

10. Reduce the intake of sugary foods, and carbonated drinks. At least once a week, eat fruit (varieties) or plain yogurt.

11. Try as much as possible to sleep without your panties. Yes let's the little baby enjoy fresh air.

12. When menstruating, Change your pads at least every 6 hours, depending on how heavy your flow is. Wash your hands more often, and use a healthy pad.

13. Make exercise your best friend. Simple exercises like kegels, squat goes a long way to strengthening your pelvic.

14. Remember to go for pelvic scan at least once in 6 months, and random check up when necessary. 

15. Go for hormonal contraceptive that is good for your system. Don't abuse emergency pills, and don't ever take antibiotics if it's not prescribed by a doctor.

16. Love your vagina like your life depend on it. 

These can't completely save you from having an infection, but will protect you in the long run. 

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