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name Punditsdkoslkdosdkoskdo

I need help with abortion

I'm an undergraduate and currently pregnant. I have tried all the available methods to remove the pregnancy; alcohol, lemon, eating sugary things, etc, but none seems to work.

What else can I do to get abort it?

Every woman has a right to her body. Just to make some things clear, Alcohol, emergency pills such as postinor, menstrogen, are not abortion pills. Lemon, eating sugary things, or doing vigorous exercises does not abort pregnancy. If it worked for some people, it's probably their system, but not a certified method of aborting.

Back to your question, with your current weeks, medication should be able to help do that successfully, if it is done correctly. We have answers to some unplanned pregnancy vs abortion questions that you can search to guide on your quest. Also, kindly search the internet for names of abortion pills that you can use. Stay strong, and be safe.

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