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Use of steriods for babies

I know every mothers want their babies to retain the soft, pinkish skin color as they grow. But unfortunately, children  show their real skin tone as they grow older. Alot of people may not know this, when someone tells you to mix cream like Vista plus, funbat-A, skineal, etc, on your baby to glow their skin or lighten it, please say No.

Some mothers know this, but doesn't care about the after effects, they just want their babies to be light. These creams are actually topical drugs that shouldn't be used for more than two weeks for it's specific purpose. 

They contain steriods, cortisol, etc, which fasten the result when used, but long term usage causes internal organ problems, and skin damage. You ever wonder why your child looks dark, or has rashes etc, when you stop using it or mixing it in their cream? 

If you visit the hospital, especially paediatric unit, there are kids battling with serious skin damage as a result of that. 

If you want your child skin to glow, here is a simple recipe to use:

  • Original Shea butter
  • Cold pressed coconut oil
  • Dried scent leaf

Infuse the scent leaf in coconut oil for 3 weeks, strain it out, and mix 1 TBS in the Shea butter. Mix well, and enjoy.

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