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My Abortion Story

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name Punditsdkoslkdosdkoskdo

My Abortion Story

Firstly, I want to say good job for this platform. I came across a post about abortion being every woman's reproductive Rights.

We live in a community where hypocrisy is our lifestyle. Alot of young girls are dead or their health became affected because they were involved in illegal abortion at a point in time. 

We can judge them all we want, but the fact remains that if proper education like this were popular or abortion was legalized, high rate of abortion risk/complications will be reduced.

I became sexually active at 16. I was in SS1 then, and I never fell pregnant. Looking back it was probably because I meet with my ex once in a blue moon, and of which I always use pills or drink 7 up.

I got admitted into higher institution and sex was like an everyday thing. My boyfriend was staying off campus sleeping over was the usual.

My first abortion came with so much guilt and regrets. I felt awful coupled with difficulties met before I got help. After the first one, I told myself it wasn't gonna happen again. Guess I was wrong. Well it did, and I got the drug used before. I became a pro in it,I was practically aborting almost every month. 

My health became a mess, and I lost weight drastically. It got to a time, my course mates were gossiping  that I had HIV because of how bad I was looking then.

I was always using emergency pills after each sex, but I also end up getting pregnant. During examination, holidays, new semester, name it all. Always bleeding. 

After years of pains, and hormonal issues. I surmoned courage, spoke to a female friend (a nurse), and she set me up with a female gynaecologist.

 An appointment was set, she asked me questions about my history, did series of tests, got treated, learnt a lot during that process. I became fine though, but it cost me years of pains and ignorance before I finally got help.

Sex is not a crime, lack of education is. Let's encourage proper sex education irrespective of our sexual status.

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