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What Acne is telling you
What Acne is telling you

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Acne also known as pimples is a skin condition that occur when hair follicles is blocked with oil and dead skin cells. It could be in form of blackhead or whiteheads.
While acne is common among oily and acne prone skin types, teenagers also experience acne termed hormonal acne.
Having Acne on some part of your face is a way of them sending you a message about what could be responsible for it.
Acne on parts of your face can be;
- Forehead: acne on your forehead means your skin is dehydrated. That is your skin has insufficient water for it to fully function. As a rule of thumb, 8 glasses or 2 to 3 litres of water intake helps hydrate the body.
- Cheek: Diets or reaction due to change of your beauty products can be responsible.
- Nose: Acne on the bridge of nose can be due to enlarged pores, which is common with oily skin type.
- Chin: Acne on your chin and around the mouth maybe a sign of hormone changes.
How hydrated are you? And what's your skin regimen for treating acne?