People can feel stress from many different things. Examples of common causes of short-term stress include:

  • Getting stuck in traffic or missing the bus
  • An argument with your spouse or partner
  • Money problems
  • A deadline at work

Examples of common causes of long-term stress include:

  • Poverty and financial worries. Depression is more common in women whose families live below the federal poverty line. Women in poverty who care for children or other family members as well as themselves may experience more severe stress.
  • Discrimination. All women are at risk for discrimination, such as gender discrimination at work. Some women experience discrimination based on their race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Stressful events, such as learning a new culture (for those new to the United States) or experiencing discrimination, put women at higher risk for depression or anxiety.
  • Traumatic events. Experiencing trauma, such as being in an accident or disaster or going through emotional, physical, or sexual assault or abuse as a child or an adult, may put you at a higher risk of depression and other disorders. Women are more likely than men to experience certain types of violence, such as sexual violence that are more likely to cause mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Ongoing, low-level stress can be hard to notice, but it can also lead to serious health problems. If you feel stressed, talk to a doctor, nurse, or mental health professional.

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