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name Punditsdkoslkdosdkoskdo

Who Introduced Douching?

Photo credit: Google.

An honest question here. Who in the world invented douching? Douching is a wide spread routine for women most especially teenagers. 

It is believed that it cleanses the vagina deeply. Some uses fragranced liquid to douche for the vagina to smell nice, etc.

For me I stand against douching! In my early teens, I douched alot. Almost everyday, I guess that's why I kept having infection every now and then till I learnt it wasn't healthy. I stopped and ever since then, my vagina has been experiencing peace and transquility if there's anything like that.

Douching has more harmful effect to good(if there's any). It upset the normal microflora in the vagina, which causes infection, and Pelvic inflammatory disease among others. 

Fragranced liquid and other liquid stuff used change the pH of the vagina which causes irritation as well. 

If we know these, why then do women still douche? 


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