How to care for Mild COVID-19 at Home as Health Care Workers
5 Home Care guide for Mild COVID-19
World Health Organization(WHO) has created home care bundle guide on how health care workers can care for people with mild COVID-19 at home.
1. Instruct patient to stay in isolation, preferably in separate room with adequate ventilation. Ensure good flow of fresh air and open windows where possible. Minimize close contact with others(households and/or visitors). If within 1 metres between others, patient should wear a mask, and care givers should wear personal protective equipments(PPE). Wash your hands regularly.
2. If there is fever, treat with antipyretic, such as paracetamol. there is no need for antibiotics unless bacterial infection is suspected. In areas with other endemic infections(e.g. malaria, tuberculosis, dengue), follow routine treatment protocols for fever. Advise patient taking medications for chronic conditions(e.g. diabetes or hypertension) to continue with them.
3. Encourage patient to stay hydrated, eat well and take rest when needed but to try to resume activities at appropriate pace. Support patient's psychosocial needs, such as through listening carefully to their needs and concerns and address them.
4. Advise patients to monitor for worsening of symptoms, such as chest pain, fast or difficulty breathing(at rest or while speaking), fast heart rate, palpitations, confusion, altered mental status, or any other emergency help according to national protocols.
5. If patient is at risk for severe disease, monitor oxygen saturation with pulse oximeter, at least twice a day. if Sp0, greater than 90%, instruct patient to call for emergency help. If between Sp0, is between 90-94%, call for urgent help, as this range may be an early signs for deterioration in someone with previously normal lungs. Oral corticosteriods may be prescribed at this time.