In your quest for a glowing skin, a healthy skin should be your priority, even though there's nothing wrong in desiring a smooth and glowing skin. But once the skin is healthy, other things fall in place. 


To take care of your skin, using the right skin care products for your skin type and skin need is basically the first step required. Look for trusted skincare brands and you are on your way to a glowing skin. Other things required are;

  1. Eat fruit and vegetables regularly especially carrots, tomatoes, avocados.
  2. Drink at least 6 glasses of water daily. Staying hydrated at all times clears the skin and help flush out toxins in the body.
  3. Exercise regularly, exercise tones the skin, and slows down aging.
  4. Follow the right skincare regimen such as cleansing, toning, hydration and moisturising. And most importantly, use sunscreen, sunscreen gives an even skin tone and prevent sunburn, wrinkles,etc. 
  5. Incorporate retinoids or vitamin A derivatives in your routine and as well exfoliate minimally with chemical peels or enzymes. 
  6. Finally, avoid stress and sleep for at least 6 hours a day. 

I hope this helps.

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