What your Hair says about your Health
What your Hair says about your Health

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What your Hair says about your Health
The general saying that you are what you eat is not limited to the skin alone, but also the hair. The state and condition of your hair tells you alot about what's going on with your general health.
When this happens, all you need to do is to pay attention, if it requires you see a specialist for diagnosis and treatment, while you also take good care of your hair following the right regimen and use the right products.
Let's take a look at common hair issues and what it's saying about your overall health.
1. Dandruff
Dandruff is a common not contagious hair issue. While dermatologist are not sure of what could be responsible for it, it is however believed that fungal infection due to overgrowth of a fungus causing build up of dead skin cells is responsible it. Other causes of dandruff are oil clogging the scalp, obesity, stress, eczema, cold and dry weather.
This condition not harmful, and to treat it requires you use antidandruff hair care products such as shampoo, conditioner, exfoliant, and moisturizer. If nothing changes, ensure you see a doctor. You can use the search bottom to find out more about how to get rid of dandruff.
2. Seborrheic Dermatitis
It is an inflammatory skin disorder, often accompanied with flaky, greasy, and yellowish dandruff. It occurs where there are excess oil glands in areas like the face, and scalp. Seborrheic dermatitis is linked to hormones, fungal infection and some times neurological conditions such as HIV or Parkinson's disease.
The same treatment pattern for dandruff is applied to treat this condition.
3. Alopecia areata
This condition occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles, making your hair to fall out. Most people suffering from this condition have about one or two bald patches, but it's treated with injections.
Alopecia is not contagious or harmful, but can be hard psychologically on individuals suffering from the condition. The hair can grow back rapidly, while treatment may be necessary for some people to grow it back.
4. Male Hair Loss
Gene is often responsible for male pattern hair loss, often influenced by the mother's side than the father's. You might want to check your maternal grandfather to know what lies ahead of you. The male baldness begin at the temple, with a horseshoe-shaped pattern of hair around the sides of the head.
Medication can help slow hair loss.
Female Pattern Baldness is often related to aging, causing the hair to thin on top of the hair. Unlike the men, women hardly go bald, and they lose hair more slowly than men.
Medication and other treatment can help with hair growth, and reduce falling out.
5. Premature Gray Hair
Having a gray hair before fourty is genetic, and not always an aging factor. Though gray hair is not always related to poor diet or health, vitamin B12 deficiency, thyroid issues, and vitiligo can be a factor for premature aging.
I guess you just have to enjoy or rock this unique inheritance, or simply dye it.
Aside from your state of health, other reasons for hair loss are;
- Over styling, blow drying, coloring, bleaching, and flat ironing. Total avoidance of some and aplying caution can help grow the hair back.
- Pulling hair too tight or tough hairstyles like braids, cornrows, and ponytails can damage your hair follicles. Changing hair styles can help grow it back to avoid permanent hair loss.
- Medication: Taking some medications like antidepressants, NSAIDs, birth control, and some antibiotics have hair loss as a major side effect. Ideally, your hair grows back once you discontinue the medication, but not always the case in others.
What can I do to have a Healthy Hair?
- Avoid exposing your hard excessively to the sun. The sun damages the hair causing it to be dry, break and split easily. Use hair care products with sun protection, wear a hat made with at least sun protection 30 fabric.
- Once again, you are what you eat. In extreme cold, your hair needs more protein and iron diet to remain healthy, including moderate intake of vitamin A, omega -3 fatty acids, and zinc. Eat healthy food to stimulate healthy hair growth.
- Hair or scalp massage helps stimulate circulation causing the release of positive hormones like serotonin and dopamine. It also improves the scalp condition.