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Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency


Photo credit: Goggle

Common Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient, an antioxidant that prevents free radical, helps the skin, muscles and bones grow.

Vitamin C can be gotten when you eat a balanced diet, fruit or take supplement. Adult women within the reproductive age who are not pregnant or breastfeeding- need about 75milligrams of this vitamin every day; while men need 90 milligrams. 

To get this recommended amount, consuming a half cup of raw red bell pepper or third-fourth cup of orange juice will be perfect. While half cup of cooked broccoli can provide half of the recommended amount. 

The body can't make or store vitamin C, that's why you have to consume it everyday. 

Risk factors for Vitamin C Deficiency

If your diet is poor, you are likely to be deficient. Also, people with kidney and on dialysis, smokers, and heavy drinkers. Smokers would need an extra 35mg from their recommend dosage to repair the damage caused by free radicals form when they smoke. 

Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency are often noticed within 3 months.

5 Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency

  1. Poor Wound Healing: When you have an injury, the amount of vitamin C in your blood and tissue come down. Your body needs vitamin C to make collagen ( a protein binder/ repairer of the skin). Also, vitamin C helps neutrophils, a form of white blood cell that fight infection. 
  2. Bleeding Gums, Nosebleeds, and Bruises: Vitamin C helps with blood clot, and keep your blood vessels healthy. 
  3. Weight Gain: According to a research, there has been a link between low vitamin C level and higher amount of body fat, especially the belly. Vitamin C helps in how your body effectively burn fat for energy.
  4. Dry and Wrinkled Skin: Those who eat a healthy diet with sufficient vitamin C tend to have a smoother, and softer skin. This is because vitamin C is antioxidant that protect s the skin from free radical that break down sebum, proteins and DNA which can lead to aging. 
  5. Vision Loss: Age-related mascular degeneration (AMD) can become worse if you are not getting enough vitamin C and some minerals. Getting sufficient amount of this vitamin from your diet can help prevent cataract, among other issues.

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin found in high amount in fruit such as orange, and grape. Taking these fruit in form of juice can help you stay hydrated and improve the symptoms of cold over time. 

Vitamin C is present in large amount in other fruit like papaya, bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries and leafy greens. 

Aside foods, vitamin C can be taken orally as a supplement. Remember to speak with your doctor before taking any supplement.


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