What is Hair Pulling Syndrome
What is Hair Pulling Syndrome

What is Hair Pulling Syndrome
Trichotillomania also known as hair pulling disorder is the irresistible or overwhelming urge to constantly pull out your hair. The constant pulling results to subsequent hair loss because the hair on the scalp is mostly affected. While pulling hair on the scalp is most common, eyebrow, eyelashes, beard, armpits, and sometimes pubic hair can also be affected. Some individuals with this disorder sometimes chew or swallow the hair pulled out; this leads to gastrointestinal problems.
Trichotillomania leads to significant emotional distress, and often alter social and occupational functioning. This condition is considered as an obessisive compulsive disorder. Due to the fact many people don’t see it as a condition or deny that hair pulling behavior exist, hence making trichotillomania under- diagnosed. However, it is estimated that about 0.5-3 percent of people will experience this condition at some point during life, and most affected individuals have never received the right treatment.
Signs and Symptoms of Trichotillomania
- Repeated pulling of hair usually from the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, and other areas of the body with hair. Area of focus may change over time either from hair to eye lashes, or eyelashes to beards.
- Heightened sense of tension before pulling, or when you try to fight the urge.
- Sense of relief after pulling
- Obvious hair loss, thinned or bald areas on the scalp or other sites of the body
- Biting, eating or chewing pulled hair
- Playing, twisting pulled out hair or rubbing it across the lips or face
- Stress or problem at work, school or social issues related to pulling the hair.
- Attempts to reduce or stop pulling the hair at some point.
There may be itching or tingling around the areas, but affected individuals don’t usually feel pain after pulling out the hair. Individuals with an established behavior can also engage in other behaviors like gnawing, biting their nails, and cracking the knuckles.
Causes of Trichotillomania
The exact cause of trichotillomania is not clear or fully understood; but it likely to result from various factors happening together including genetics and environmental factors. Anxiety, stress, and early childhood might predispose one to develop this condition, however, more studies is needed to support this.
While this behavior can leave and return after some time in some people, if you can’t resist the urge to pull out your hair, see a doctor. According to Mayo clinic, hair pulling is not just a bad habit, but a mental disorder; and it’s unlikely to get better without treatment.