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5 ways to know a Sociopath
Mr S
5 ways to know a Sociopath
5 Ways to know a Sociopath
Sociopathy also called antisocial personality disorder is a mental health condition, and there are tendencies of you knowing someone who has this condition.
Individuals with antisocial personality disorder seem to lie, are deceitful and impulsive. Other characteristics include ignoring responsibilities or live recklessly, to cap it all, they often have no conscience.
Here are some ways to know a sociopath.
- Lack empathy: this is a common way to identify someone with antisocial personality disorder. Some of them feel no remorse for their actions and this behaviour can be dangerous, because people like this can do anything bad that comes to mind.
- Manipulation: these people try to seduce and curry favour with those around them for personal gain or entertainment.
- Callous: some sociopath are plainly violent and aggressive or put you down verbally. They appear to have cruel disregard for other people's feelings.
- Risky behaviour: they are impulsive, and feel a need for instant gratification, making them involved in risky behaviour. They have no regard or concern for other people's safety and theirs.
- Deceitful: they are known for being dishonest and deceitful. They know how to decorate the truth when it benefits them.
Some symptoms and side effects of sociopathy can be managed through therapy, especially in milder condition. However, it is rare for a sociopath to seek the right help.
Symptoms of ASP decrease with age, especially in milder cases and those that don't drink excessively or do drugs.
What's your experience with a sociopath?