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Menstrual Cramp

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name Punditsdkoslkdosdkoskdo

Menstrual Cramp


Good evening house, please is it true that severe menstrual pain is a sign that a woman will not be able to conceive in the future? 

That's not true. Painful period does not in any way cause infertility or prevent you from becoming pregnant when you are ready. 

The activitiy of a hormone called prostaglandin present in the tissue of the body and uterus (womb) is usually responsible for menstrual cramp, when it causes the uterine muscle to contract in order to expel the lining during your period. 

The higher the levels of the hormone prostaglandin, the more your uterine muscle contract leading to severe period pain. This activity or action does not in anyway affects your fertility.  

However, severe menstrual pain may be an indicator of underlying gynaecological conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease, infection, endometriosis, fibriods, among other issues. To be sure if what's happening to you is normal or triggered as a result of underlying issues, you should see a gynaecologist for proper evaluation. 

N.B: peroid pain that impacts your daily activities should not be overlooked. 


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