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6 Signs to watch out during Pregnancy
6 Signs to watch out during Pregnancy

6 Signs to Watch out during Pregnancy
Women go through a lot of changes including signs often associated with pregnancy; while it may be normal in some cases, some are not, and according to expert it is best to see a doctor immediately after noticing them. So what are those signs pregnant women should take seriously? Let's find out.
- Bleeding: Most women expereince bleeding either in the early phase of the pregnancy or latter. Although some successfully carried their babies to term without any harm done to the child or mother, still expert warns that heavy bleeding, along with severe abdominal pain or cramps, and faint spells in the first trimester could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. Also, heavy bleeding with cramps in first and second trimester could be a sign of miscarriage; while bleeding with abdominal pain in third trimester could be a sign of placenta previa meaning that the placenta is obstructing the entrance of the womb.
- Severe Nausea and Vomiting: Although it's completely normal to feel like vomiting or actually vomit, expert warns that when it becomes severe it's not normal. Once severe vomiting leads to dehydration, prevents you from eating resulting to malnutrition; which can become harmful to the foetus, it is crucial you inform your OB-GYN.
- Reduced Baby Actiivity: Normally, babies should kick regularly in the third trimester; if your unborn baby seldomly kicks during this phase, see your healthcare provider.
- High Fever: Temperatures above 37.8 degrees could be a sign of an infection or illness. Also, infection can lead to pre-term labour if not treated.
- Swollen Body: A swollen body is some times normal during pregnancy, but if it becomes severe affecting the face, hands, and legs, don't wait to see a dotor.
- Serious Headaches, Abodminal Pain, Visual Interference and Swollen Body: If you are expereincing these symptoms, it is known as preeclampsia. It is a serious condition leading to extremely high blood pressure and excess protein usually after 20 weeks of pregnancy. To prevent or manage this condition, ensure that you see your healthcare provider for regular check of your blood pressure and urinalysis.