How Uncontrolled Blood Sugar affects Men Sex Life

Diabetes is a medical condition known to cause a rise in blood sugar levels within the body. This condition is always a result of the pancreas’ inability to make insulin to control sugar levels within the body, or due to the body’s inability to respond to the insulin available, resulting in the rise of the sugar level within the body’s system.

There are several types of diabetes, and the most common ones are;

  • Type 1 diabetes
  •  Type 2 diabetes
  •  Gestational diabetes,

Each is a result of different factors ranging from;

  • The body’s inability to produce enough insulin
  • Insulin produced seems not to work efficiently
  • Lifestyle
  • Uncontrolled weight status.

Diabetes and its effects on physical health are known facts. Still, this article will discuss uncontrolled blood sugar from another lens: the sexual health of people living with diabetes. Once diagnosed and not controlled, the condition can cause harm to different organs, including the eye, kidneys, vessels of the body, and heart. Apart from these body parts, it has been found that diabetes can easily affect sexual and reproductive health. Uncontrolled blood sugar can result in the following in men;

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Low testosterone levels
  • Low libido
  • Back flowing of seminal fluid into the vesica can also result in a condition called balanitis.

One must consult with their physician about such problems, especially if diabetic. This is important because discussing these issues with them can help you as a patient find out the best way to manage the complications; this includes changing one’s lifestyle or finding other ways to ensure that the blood sugar level is maintained within the normal ranges.

5 Ways Uncontrolled Blood Sugar affects Men’s Sexual and Reproductive Health

Erectile Dysfunction

This condition is often perceived as a disease. Still, it is a condition that may signal some underlying issues that need attention, such as physical problems, psychological problems or, in some cases, a result of both. These problems are most familiar to the male folks, especially those with excess weight status or cardiac complications, hypertension, and high cholesterol levels within the body. However, keep in mind that most of them revolve around the condition.

Therefore, if you have diabetes, there is a higher chance of going through it. Erectile dysfunction has been found to occur in situations where sugar levels in the blood are not well controlled. The man’s responsibility is to ensure that sugars and lipids are maintained within the normal ranges. This is to preclude the damage of the vessels that supply blood to the phallus. Good practices that lower the chances of this problem include avoiding smoking, consuming few amounts of alcohol, and consuming a balanced healthy meal.

Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone deficiency occurs when the body cannot make enough testosterone to assist in the normal function of the hormone. People diagnosed with diabetes, especially those with type 2, have this problem. This may be because the person is overweight and has diabetes; the testosterone level is always reduced. This can present itself by the following signs and symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Changes in one’s temper
  • Reduced levels of attentiveness
  • Reduced strength within the muscle
  • Choler
  •  Low concupiscence.

Despite this being the case, remember these signs can reflect other forms of illnesses that can affect the body too.

This deficiency comes to being through the interference of the luteinizing hormone released from the brain due to increased sugar levels in the blood. This, in turn, affects the production of testosterone within the testicles negatively. Therefore, the best method to prevent testosterone deficiency is by maintaining a good weight status and engaging in exercise to keep the body fit.

Low Sex Drive

Low sex drive is a term used to define a lack of interest in sex. Each person has a different sexual urge. This might easily change from one time to another depending on the different situations. To some, having a low sex drive is not a problem, but to others, it becomes a considerable challenge; therefore, for those who see this as a challenge, it is always advisable to see a physician for assistance.

Uncontrolled blood sugar, as said earlier, affects the production and the number of testosterone hormones in the body, which can easily cause the affected person to have low physical attraction. Moreover, challenges like struggling with being sexually aroused can also make one develop a low interest in sex. The treatment for this condition continuously varies in individuals. For some, it might require controlling their blood sugars or other forms of therapy, while others might require counselling to find the root cause of the problem; hence, one needs to seek a medical expert for help.

Retrograde Ejaculation

As a man, have you ever noticed cloudy urine the moment you relieve yourself? This occurs when the muscular tissue at the urinary bladder fails to close up when having an orgasm. The results are the back flowing of seminal fluid into the urinary bladder. Instances where one cannot control his sugar levels, can damage the nerves and muscular tissue located within the neck of the urinary bladder. This muscular tissue helps to keep semen from entering your urinary bladder during sexual climax. Therefore, if it is impaired, it fails to keep seminal fluid from entering the urinary bladder instead of coming.

Some of the ways this problem is managed are by managing one’s blood sugar levels and choosing a healthy lifestyle.


This is an infection characterized by the redness at the tip of the phallus and is known to affect a person at any age. Some of the symptoms of this infection include itching, rash, swelling, discharge from the penis, and redness. However, these symptoms do not necessarily mean one has balanitis. These symptoms can also indicate one is ailing from other diseases; hence, it requires visiting the physicians for appropriate help.

When one has diabetes, it is also likely him developing balanitis. This is so because urine accumulates, encouraging bacteria to grow around the moist dampish of the prepuce, later developing the infection.

Written by: Jackson Omanwa