7 Benefits of Guava for your Health and Skin

Guavas are beautiful, delicious tropical fruit rich in antioxidants and vitamins. It is found mostly in Central America, but also in tropical Africa. It is high in citric acid, which gives its unique taste. The nutrients found in the flesh, seeds, leaves, bark, and roots are used to improve your health, treat skin conditions, and speed up hair growth. Research has found amazing benefits of this fruit in diets and also in skincare. Guavas have numerous benefits, but here are few ways to use guava.

  1. Detoxify: The bark or leaves of guavas contains phytonutrients, fibre and antioxidant which serve as a supplement when boiled as tea and taken daily or weekly. The fresh leaves or bark can be boiled, or dried and ground to powder.  Detoxifying your system helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the body, control weight gain and regulate the blood sugar level.
  2. Pimples: Guava leaves are packed with natural vitamin C, an excellent ingredient used to treat spots, improve skin texture, and appearance. It can be added to black soap, infuse the dried leaves in rose water as a toner. Using it as a toner after having your bath helps clear the skin of dirt, reduce oiliness, and get rid of dark spots.
  3. Moisturizer: Guava seed oil is becoming the new Holy Grail in the beauty world. The extracted oil is high in linoleic acid and high in antioxidants beneficial to the skin. The colours can be dark or bright with a lovely smell. Guava seed oil is an amazing anti-ageing oil used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. It brightens and as well as moisturizes the skin. The oil is used as a hair treatment to strengthen and improve hair growth. To treat your hair, warm desired quantity of the oil and massage on your scalp for about 20-30 minutes before rinsing the excess oil.
  4. Face Mask: Guava leaves used as a mask brightens and glows the face. A tablespoon of guava powder mixed with pure honey or water to form a paste and applied on a clean face and neck for 30 minutes. Apply the mask two to three times a week for maximum result.
  5.  Menstrual Pain Reliever: Menstrual pain often alters most women’s daily routine. Guavas leaves are prepared as a tea and taken a few days to menstruation or menstruating help relieve menstrual pain. Boil a handful in clean water for few minutes or steep one tablespoon of guava leaves in hot water for few minutes and drink.
  6. Hyperpigmentation: The vitamin C present in guava helps in reducing the signs of ageing, improve skin tone, and clear hyperpigmentations. Guava herbal bath clears the skin by gently exfoliating dead cells to reveal new skin and reduce age spots. It greatly improves the appearance of your skin and gets rid of the pigmented area. Boil some leaves in a bowl of water, dilute it with your bathing water or use it as a face rinse.
  7. Stretch Marks:  Guava is an acid fruit rich in vitamins. To get rid of new stretch marks, add a teaspoon of guava powder in honey or carrier oil of choice and massage on the affected area. You can blend it, apply the juice directly on the marks, and leave it for 30minutes before rinsing.

Guavas hydrate your skin and improve skin colour when eaten too. When taken as a detoxifier, watch out for any unusual feelings such as dizziness and sick feeling. Take moderately or discontinue use.