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5 Likely Signs that show you are Consuming Excess Sugar


While sugar is an energy source, not all sugars are the same. Natural sources of sugar like fructose are present in fruits and vegetables; on the other hand, added sugars are usually present in processed foods.


These are foods we could do without but end up consuming an excess of them. Examples of added sugars are; maple syrup and honey; although they are more wholesome than table sugar, they still contain calories.


Constant consumption of sugar can have adverse effects on your body. The results can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. The American Heart Association suggests limiting the amount of daily added sugar to no more than 100 calories for women and children; and 150 calories for men. That should be about 6 teaspoons for women and children and 9 teaspoons for men.


Here are the likely signs that you are consuming too much sugar.


Increased hunger and weight gain

If you are eating excess calories from added sugars, increased hunger is usually one of the first signs. According to a registered dietician, sugar satisfies your taste buds but does not fill your stomach. Due to the absence of essential nutrients such as protein, fiber, and healthy fats in most processed foods and sweet treats, your body burns off sugar hastily and makes you hungry.


Aside from the excess calories that can cause weight gain, added sugar damages the gut microbiome ecosystem: the good bacteria decrease, and the bad increase leads to an imbalance, including problems with the metabolism. High sugar interferes with metabolism by partly interfering with leptin- a hormone that inhibits hunger. The more sugar you eat, the hungrier you become.


Fatigue and Low Energy

Sugar is swiftly absorbed and digested; feeling fatigued could mean you are getting excessive sugar in your diet. Also, unbalanced blood sugar levels and insulin can cause energy levels to rise or fall; and affect your general energy level.


Craving for sweet things

Do you constantly crave sweets? If you do, you may be addicted to the feel-good effects of sugar on your brain. Sugar targets the brain's pleasure center stimulating a rise in dopamine, AKA happy hormone. The pleasure center in the brain plays a crucial role in your choices of food, including affecting sugar cravings.


High blood pressure

High-sodium diets are not the sole factor for HBP. Excess sugar in your diet can contribute to the condition. According to research, eating sugar-sweetened beverages significantly correlates with high blood pressure and a higher incidence of hypertension. However, expert cautions that a direct cause-and-effect relationship has yet to be established.


Still, scientists know that high glucose levels can damage the blood vessels' lining. And when blood vessels get hardened, your blood pressure elevates.


Acne and wrinkles

You might have used the best acne and anti-aging treatment to clear the acne and wrinkles without success. Now is the time to check your sugar consumption level. Glycemic control plays a role in skin health and acne, and a study suggests that insulin resistance may influence the development of acne.


On the other hand, wrinkles can be a sign that you are consuming excess sugar. Advanced glycation end products- products with extra sugar encourage skin aging.


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