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Fun Facts about International Women's Day


Fun Facts about International Women's Day

    1. International Women's Day (IWD) has been observed annually on March 8th since 1911.
    2. The first International Women's Day was celebrated in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland on March 19, 1911.
    3. The day was initially called International Working Women's Day, and it was created to support women's rights, including suffrage, better working conditions, and equal pay.
    4. In 1917, the women of Russia observed their first International Women's Day on February 23rd, which according to the Gregorian calendar, was March 8th.
    5. The day was declared a national holiday in Soviet Russia in 1917 and became a public holiday in many other countries soon after.
    6. The United Nations officially recognized International Women's Day in 1975, and it has since become a Global Day of Celebration and advocacy for women's rights.
    7. International Women's Day has a different theme each year, with the 2021 theme being "Choose to Challenge," which encourages individuals to challenge gender bias and inequality.
    8. International Women's Day is now celebrated in over 100 countries and is a day for women to come together, celebrate their achievements, and advocate for greater equality and empowerment.
    9. Some countries, like China, Armenia, and Russia, have made International Women's Day a national holiday, giving women the day off work to celebrate and participate in events.
    10. International Women's Day has been instrumental in promoting women's rights and advancing gender equality. It inspires women worldwide to fight for their rights and pursue their dreams.


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