Facts about waist trainer
Facts about waist trainer

Waist trainers are widely used by women that want an Hour Glass shape, or flat tummy. Women who find it hard to gym, trying to get back in shape, and women that can't afford surgery are major users of waist trainers.
Women talked about how they were envied by other women on occasion, because of their shape. Some women talked about how painful, and stressful using a waist trainer can be. A lady gave an account of how she fainted on a sunny day because of a waist trainer.
On Twitter, Dr Olufunmilayo talked about the effect of waist trainer and also said it doesn't give a permanent flat tummy either. Here are the facts stated about waist trainers.
"Waist trainer can harm you"
"It can cause irritation"
"Can cause organ damage"
"Can worsen heart burn"
"Cannot cause weight loss"
"Can cause breathing problems"
"Cannot give flat tummy".
If you want to lose weight, figure 8, flat tummy, head to the gym, eat right, be consistent, and be patient.