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Human Trafficking

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Human Trafficking


Photo credit: Google


Modern day Slavery

Human trafficking is a global issue threatening everyone's life and security. It has become a profitable business that encourages these traffickers to go at all length to find their victims.

Often times,  human traffickers present themselves as an helper, friend, relatives, people you can easily trust and rely on are mostly involved in the act. With the high rate of poverty and hardship in the country, promises are made to endear potential victims to their trap.

While some are taken against their will or kidnapped which happens mostly in sex trafficking, we need to be on guard to not be deceived. Governments and International bodies are doing their best to fight this issue.

There are 9.2 million Africans that are victims of modern slavery as of 2016, accounting for 23 percent of total global modern slavery. Human trafficking in Africa is a $13.1 billion industry. ... Out of this number, $8.9 billion comes from sexual exploitation.

Know the warning signs before trusting someone when searching for greener pastures. Human trafficking is a criminal offense. It should never be encouraged.

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