Laycon vs Erica
Laycon vs Erica
Was Erica too forward for profiling laycon?
Was Erica too forward for profiling laycon?
Who remembered seeing laycon on the screen at the start of the year big brother naija; and was like, who is this guy, why his he here, why does he look funny?
That question wasn't asked among viewers only, but also among the housemates.
Laycon love interest in the big brother naija, in person of Erica, is notorious for intimidating this young man; calling him all sort of names like drumstick. This two suddenly turned big brother naija to big brother house of commotion, which eventually lead to Erica's eviction.
A week ago, laycon finally told everyone that is unique genotype (SC) is the reason for the statue and look. For those of us who don't know what SC is; it's a genotype similar to SS (sickle cell anaemia), but less aggravating, or mild. They also experience occasional low amount of blood.
This revelation made every one conclude that Erica owes him an apology and also he deserves to win the big prize ahead.
Do you think Erica needs to apologise ,or a body shaming culture that needs to be discouraged? Whether you know what someone is going through or not, shaming should not be the way to go.