Health Care in Africa
Health Care in Africa

Health Care is one of the most challenging issues in Africa. The life expectancy of an average Africa is low compared to other.
According to Dr Ola Brown, founder of Flying Doctor on LinkedIn, "My book 'Fixing Healthcare in Nigeria' proposes reforms in 5 areas:
1.Expansion of primary care
2.Centralisation of hospitals
3.Tasking shifting
4.Sustainable healthcare financing
5.Maternal & child health.
Which do you think most African countries should focus on?
Me: No 4; Health poverty in Nigeria is on the increase. People are in serious debt because of medical bills, they will rather seek natural alternative or pray away their sicknesses because they are unable to feed well let alone eat.
No 5; According to Bill Gate Nigeria is the most dangerous place to give birth to in the world. This conclusion is as a result of high mortality rate during or after delivery in Nigeria.
Which do you think should be Africans focus?