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Fake Orgasm

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Fake Orgasm


 Photo credit: Google

Being expressive about ones desire sexually is something people find really hard to do in relationships most especially women. Your ability to tell your partner how you like to be touched, where to be touched/licked is not just satisfying to both of you, but also draws you closer, and understand each other better without saying much.

However, most women say they would rather pretend they enjoy sex or cum than tell their partner what to do to make them actually orgasm, and also not to hurt their feelings/ego. Some believe that being outspoken about their sexual need or desire make them look like a slot.Talking about what you want sexually with your partner is important.

According to research by medical news today, “Men and women experience different things and some are very intense and some are not. Some women claim to encounter different types of orgasms dependent on what is aroused and the type of genital stimulation.

The top 10 behaviors that women found very appealing were:

  • vaginal intercourse – 69.9 percent
  • cuddling more often – 62.8 percent
  • kissing more often during sex – 49.3 percent
  • saying sweet, romantic things during sex – 46.6 percent
  • giving or receiving a massage before sex – 45.9 percent
  • having gentle sex – 45.4 percent
  • receiving oral sex – 43.3 percent
  • watching a romantic movie – 41.9 percent
  • making the room feel more romantic – 41.3 percent
  • wearing sexy underwear or lingerie – 41.2 percent.

Women fake orgasms more frequently than men, with one survey finding that 26 percent of women fake an orgasm every time they have sex. Other studies have found that anywhere from 25 to 74% of women admit to having faked an orgasm at some point in their lives.

Have you or someone you know ever faked an orgasm? Share your experience.

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