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Tuberculosis Day

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Tuberculosis Day


A man died seven years ago. Before his demise, no one knew what happened. All we know was that he was emaciating and couldn't walk anymore. 

Autopsy revealed that he had tuberculosis. Note, they did every test necessary but nothing pointed to that direction. The bacteria was found in his spine. 

One of the symptoms of tuberculosis is coughing for a long period. But he didn't cough through out the time he was alive. This revelation made me understand that tuberculosis is nti only in the lungs but in other organs/part of the body. 

So what's Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It affect the lungs and can spread through droplets in the air.

It develops when an individual inhales the bacteria, and also contagious.

Signs of Tuberculosis

  • Persistent cough for more than 2 weeks.
  • Bloody phlegm 
  • Rapid weight loss and loss of appetite
  • General tiredness
  • Fever, night sweat
  • Chest pain, etc.

Risk Factors

  • People with compromised immune system
  • Young children and older adults
  • People who use injected recreational drugs.
  • Someone that was pre-exposed in the past 2-5 years.

Tuberculosis is preventable and curable. Spread the news, and encourage anyone around you coughing for more than 2 weeks to see a doctor.


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