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Cooking gone wrong

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name Punditsdkoslkdosdkoskdo

Cooking gone wrong


Happy Sunday. I've come to report myself and see if I have partners in cooking gone wrong. 

So I was inspired to cook jollof rice, I now said let me make this rice choke by adding extra spices beyond the usual curry and time. I've cinnamon and nutmeg used as lovely spices in foods. 

That's how I added nutmeg, and cinnamon in jollof rice. The aroma was heavenly but at the same time odd. I finally dished this food only to realized that it wasn't palatable to the mouth. I feel betrayed right now plus famished. 

Ever been in my shoes before? 

Have had many episodes of cooking disaster. But the one that I remember vividly was using turmeric to cook jollof rice as well thinking it will serve the place of curry powder. Aside my rice looking like concoction despite using tomatoe puree, the smell was kinda off.  

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