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How to get rid of athlete's foot


Photo credit: Goggle

Athlete's foot is a fungal skin infection that usually begins between the toes. The affected area is scaly, itchy with painful or burning sensations. 

Things you need to know

Athlete's foot is highly contagious, try as much as possible not to touch the area expect when treating it.

When the skin of the affected area is scaly, don't try to tear or break it. Doing that can affect the healthy skin around the affected areas and end up infecting it. 

Wash your socks often, and make sure they are dry before putting them on. Also wash your socks and towels in hot water to disinfect them.

Try to expose your feet to fresh air, and avoid unnecessary contact with water. 

How to get rid of athlete's foot

 1. Over the counter antifungal cream, powders, lotions, and ointments applied on the affected area for at least a week. 

2. Cleaning or pouring hydrogen peroxide or alcohol on the affected area effectively kill surface bacteria that could cause infection. 

Natural remedies for athlete's foot

1. Add a drop of eucalyptus oil in cold-pressed coconut oil and apply on the affected area. Do this twice a day after cleaning with cotton wool. 

2. Garlic: mesh one or two garlic to form a paste and place on the area. Garlic contains antimicrobial properties (allicin) to effectively get rid of bacteria and fungi present on the area. 

3. Scent leaf or bitterleaf paste: squeeze the juice out and rub on area after cleaning with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. 

4. Neem seed oil: a few drop on the area or use a cotton wool to apply it.

5. Tea tree oil: a few drops or apply with cotton wool. 

After applying these treatment, wash your hands immediately with soap and water to avoid spreading the infection on healthy area. 

After two weeks of using these treatment without any changes, see a doctor.

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