Is Recurrent UTI an Average Woman's Problem
Is Recurrent UTI an Average Woman's Problem

Is recurrent UTI an Average’s Woman Problem
Urinary tract infection also called UTI is an infection in any part of your urinary system which includes your kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. It associated with some characteristics such as increased or frequent use of the toilet, difficulties when peeing, among others.
Recurrent UTI is another issue most women have been complaining about for some time now. Women experiencing this said they still experience the symptoms even after treatment making them believe that the treatment didn’t work or their body system didn’t respond to treatment. What exactly is recurrent UTIs? Recurrent UTIs are symptomatic (i.e showing symptoms) UTIs that occur after treating an initial one usually after having a proper treatment. Recurrent UTI is an infection that occurs two or more times within 6 months or at least three times in a year. Although not common, you need to know that recurrent UTI is not gender specific, men can get it too, but due to the female anatomy, recurrent UTI is more common in women.
It could be in form of relapse- previously isolated bacteria responsible even after treatment, or re-infection- due to the same bacteria or other bacteria. Recurrent UTIs are common among healthy young women due to various reasons which include:
- Anatomy: shorter urethra giving bacteria the opportunity to spread into the urethra. According to a study, some women have cells that are normally receptive to bacteria that is, bacteria are less likely to be flushed out by their natural body functions.
- Sexual activity: the most common reasons for recurrent UTI is frequency of sexual intercourse. The more sexual activity you engage in, the higher your chances of having recurrent UTI. This is why you are advised to always pee after having any sexual activity to flush out bacteria. Also, wash your hands before and after sex, including your sex toys.
- Menopause: A study showed that postmenopausal women experience this as well due to physiologic factors affecting bladder emptying such as incontinence, and cystocle.
- Other factors: Unstable vaginal pH can cause recurrent UTIs, patients with chronic catheterization; structural abnormalities of the urinary tract, new sex partner in the past year, previous spermicide use, exposure to antibiotic resistance bacteria, and persons with immunosupression such as Diabetes mellitus, immunosuppressant medications, can increase your risk to recurrent UTIs.
According to a report1, there is no proven link between recurrent UTIs and the following: holding urine, wearing tight underwear, pattern of wiping that is front to back and vice-versa, and douching. *I leave you guys to share your opinions about this*.
Treatments involve using broad-spectrum antibiotic, and combined drug therapy prescribed by your health care provider. Also, taking cranberry products and lifestyle modifications such as are good preventive measures.