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Effective ways to treat common Urine Problems: Experts Opinion

Effective ways to treat common Urine Problem: Experts Opinion
At some point, we experience symptoms such as burning sensation, increased urge to pee, pains, among other symptoms. Women especially go through this period, and honestly, it’s not a pleasant feeling. An average woman has experienced urinary issues and a lot of things such as pregnancy and delivery, hormone changes, bladder aging, menopause, and other conditions can be responsible. Here are some common urinary problems and the things you can do to manage or solve them.
- Urine incontinence: If you are constantly experiencing urine incontinence- the loss of bladder control, one of the first action to take is perform pelvic floor exercise also known as kegels. This exercise helps tighten the core of muscles aiding your pelvic organs. Another option is surgery. Laser and radiotherapy treatments are effective for stress incontinence, however, further studies is needed as the technology is new.
- Overactive bladder: One way to go manage an overactive ladder is to through lifestyle modifications such as reducing food and drinks that can irritate your bladder. Examples of such foods are; citrus, carbonated drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, tea, coffee, and sweeteners. Squeezing and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles (kegels) can help relieve the urge to use the bathroom in the moment.
- Urinary tract infection (UTI): This happens even to healthy women due to a lot of reasons such as having frequent sex. Antibiotics is an effective way to treat this, however, lifestyle changes and hygiene such as avoiding tight underwear, drinking enough water, peeing after sex, using vaginal estrogen cream after menopause to make the tissue healthier and reduce your risk to infection.
- Interstitial cystitis: Again, pelvic floor exercise is effective. Avoiding or reducing stress can help as this condition can become aggravated when under stress. A procedure known as cystoscopy is said to offer temporary improvement too.
Source: Health