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Marriage requirements


My Mother's In-law Requirement before Marrying her Son

I know in-laws especially mothers from both families can be a handful. I remember a guy I was seeing back then, he wanted to take the relationship forward by seeing my parents to make his intentions known. 

As the non clingy girl that I am, I told him to let's see his parents firstly before seeing mine. I've heard alot about his family and know quite a lot about them too. 

We finally got to his home, met his mom and the first thing she would ask me is my CGP. Well, I told her and she said "that's a poor grade, her first son's ex girlfriend was a first class student, during her own time (the mother in-law) she had 2.1. 

She went as far as saying I probably wasn't serious when I was school. Please note her first son who dated a first class student graduated with a pass, her son who is my ex graduated with 2.2 so where's the grading coming from?

She ended her talk with before they will marry me, I need to have a Master's degree. Now I got mad! I told her that ma, your first son, his wife, your second son, your daughter, even you don't have a Master's degree; why should that now be a criteria for me?

She was a bit surprised by my statement, but ended with that's her she wanted it. Me too said, when your son has a Doctorate degree before I will consider accepting him. 

You see, this oppression batton was handed over to women who they themselves are being oppressed. But unfortunately, they are in full control of the oppression. 

That's how I moved anyways out of the criteria relationship, I hate what I hate. 

Ever experienced given unreasonable rules or condition before marrying your partner? Share your experience.

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