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name Punditsdkoslkdosdkoskdo

Do it yourself gone wrong

With the new rave about how magical natural ingredients works. It's completely normal to experiment with one of the numerous recipe shared around.

Few times I have seen DIY (skincare) back fire, like, I told myself I'm never trying this sh*t again. 

1. I made a black soap in the early days of organic and natural. I combined as much ingredients that were within my reach. In my mind I was like glowing skin loading. I started using the soap, and within 3 days, my skin was tight, a serious pulling feeling, wrinkled, with lots of rashes on my face. It took my skin a month to get back to normal.

2. A lot of organic sellers are everywhere now. Just ask for what you want to buy and you see lots of marketing about other products, with claims that if you buy this ingredient and combine with the one you intend to buy, it will give you a fast and triple action result.

That was how I used my hand to buy glycolic acid, and was told to rub it on my skin and wake up to see a glow the next day. Foolish me! 

The next morning, I woke up, checked the mirror and I saw that my face was already boiled, cooked and peeling off gradually. Yes my face peeled like I had an hot oil accident. I stayed indoors for weeks before I could start going out.

3. After my glycolic acid experience, I heard Hibiscus is high in vitamin C, and one of the acids (lactic, glycolic) can't  remember. It has been working well on me, a bright, clear and glowing skin. 

What I didn't know was that I was not supposed to use it during the day because of sun sensitivity. One day, I remembered I haven't exfoliated all through the week, so I decided to make an herbal bath. Boiled zobo leaf in water (very concentrated), took my bath and headed out for the day.

Oh my God! I was asking myself, why is the sun harsh today? Even when it wasn't that sunny! I was struggling to stay under the sun, my body was hurting me like I was placed close to a fire. 

Before I got home that day, my skin was so inflamed and looking angry. I took my bath with cold water, but then I could still feel the irritation all over my body till the next day.

What's your DIY gone wrong experience?

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