Silly reasons for calling off a relationship
Silly reasons for calling off a relationship
What's your silly, but real reason for breaking up with someone?
I met this guy in my first year. We met at the school cafeteria. I was seated at one of the tables and on the other side a cute, and charming young man was also seated enjoying his meal.
I pretended not to notice him, but trust me, I have already created a family with him in my mind.
He walked over to my sit, asked of my name, we exchanged numbers and got talking after then.
A month after, we started dating. Alas this guy was good, calm and fun to be it.
I visit him on weekends as lectures won't give us time to see often. One day, I was at his place, he said he wanted to use the toilet. Few minutes after, he came out, and I asked him did you wash your hands with soap and water? Guy man said no! Why should he use soap, after all he used water to rinse off his hand, after cleaning his bum bum.
Oh my God! You said what? I told him excretas has bacteria in them, which sticks to finger nails even after washing. This guy insisted he can't be washing with soap after using the toilet.
He went ahead to put his finger on my nose for me to smell it. Till to day, I can still perceive the poo smell any time I remember the scenario.
Naso I quietly carried my bag went back to my lodge, sent him a text that I'm no more interested in the relationship.
He called to know what happened just told him I'm not sure I'm ready for a relationship.
I hope I'm not the only one on this table?