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Stop saying sorry

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name Punditsdkoslkdosdkoskdo

Stop saying sorry

There is this attitude about women. When they visit men or their lover, and the man wants sex in the process of romance, because she does not want to look cheap or not the mood, she says sorry! Like are you angry? (that I'm not giving you sex).

I'm sorry for not wanting to have sex with you. I think it's wrong.

You don't apologise for doing what you don't want to do. He should rather apologize for getting you wrong, or trying to make you do what you don't feel like doing.

Ladies stop apologizing for that sh-t. 
Your No should be well welcomed.

And men telling a lady sorry after having sex with her knowing fully well she gave in out of no choice should please stop that nonsense. 

You knew she wasn't interested or rather not consensual. But to prevent you from been brutal with her, she decided to give in. You will now be saying sorry so it won't look like you raped her. 

All of you should learn to respect individuals stand. We move!

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