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Underage Sex

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Underage Sex

A 17 year old girl called out actor Justin Ugbonna for having anal sex with her when she was 14. She said the actor lied about his age back then by claiming he was 17 while he was actually 20 years old. 

She said the actor blocked her on every Snapchat and other social media and also cleared their chats after giving him her body. She said she feels hurt and lied to, because he didn't come clean about his age and she wouldn't have had fun with him if she knew his real age.

Dear Men above 19 years, it's not advisable to have a sexual relationship with girls around 14- 17 years of age. Even if it's consensual, it's wrong. Let them fool around with their mate, not with an adult like you.

Come to think of it, Two days ago, I saw two teenage girls fighting over a man in his late twenties. To say I was perplexed was an understatement.

Few minutes after the fight, another man, obviously in his early thirties was already telling her where to meet later in the day. 

This is all shades of wrong. What do you think?

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