The inventor of Sanitary Pad
The inventor of Sanitary Pad

A long time ago, women were not supposed to be in place of power or be in front line of inventories. Credits of inventories were often times given to men working together or simply swept under the rug. An example of these women was Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner of Monroe, NC.
Mary saw the need to create a comfortable sanitary towel for women instead of using reusable fabrics or towel to absorb blood while menstruating.
According to history, she didn't have enough money to patent her work and it was initially rejected by the company that showed interest in her work because she was black.
There is a saying that, no one can walk in the shoes of women like a woman would. Which means only a woman can understand what another woman goes through. Mary's invention was found out of empathy which is why it was a woman that could conceive the idea.
After seeing the importance of Mary's work, the world had no choice than to accept her invention. It was later accepted in 1956, 30 years later. She was able to patent other creations of her own.
Mary grew up in a home of inventors as her dad, and sister also developed things of importance to humans. One of her inventions is the bathroom tissue holder, which she co-invented with her sister.
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